Supermarine Seafire е британски бордов изтребител от Втората световна война и след Втората световна война с изцяло метална конструкция с ниско крило. Осигуреното задвижване - в LF Mk. III - единичен двигател Rolls-Royce Merlin 55M с мощност 1 585 к.с. Полетът на прототипа се извършва през януари 1942 г., а малко след това започва серийното производство, което води до създаването на около 2650 самолета от този тип. Бордово въоръжение - в Mk. III - се състои от две 20 мм оръдия Hispano и четири 7,7 мм картечници.
Самолет Supermarine Seafire беше разработена версия на известния изтребител Spitfire, но адаптирана за работа от самолетоносачи. Промените засягат основно намаляване на теглото на самолета, използването на сгъваеми крила и спирачна кука, както и укрепване на цялата конструкция. Силовият агрегат се промени, въпреки че все още бяха двигатели на Rolls-Royce. В хода на серийното производство са създадени много разработени версии на този самолет, например: Mk. IB (изтребителна версия, една от първите производствени серии, която беше преустроена Spitfire Mk. V b), Mk. II C (ловна версия с подсилена конструкция и модифицирано бордово въоръжение), Mk. III (версия, задвижвана от двигателя Merlin 55). През 1946 г. Mk. XV с двигател Griffon VI. Самолетите Supermarine Seafire получават бойното си кръщение по време на операция Torch през ноември 1942 г. Те също се бият по време на десанта в Сицилия през 1943 г. и в Нормандия през 1944 г. Те също са служили в Далечния изток през 1944-1945 г. Те също така взеха ограничено участие в началната фаза на Корейската война (1950-1953). Самолети от този тип също са служили във въоръжените сили на Франция, Ирландия и Канада.
Supermarine Spitfire is probably the most famous British fighter from the Second World War. It was an all-metal machine with a low wing configuration, characteristic elliptical wings, a classic tail and a retractable landing gear. The prototype flight took place on March 5, 1936. The Spitfire proved to be the RAF's staple of the war, which continued to do well after the war, remaining in production for 10 years. The history of the Spitfire began on the drawing desk of RJ Mitchell, Supermarine's lead designer. The first machines went to RAF units in 1938, but when the Battle of Britain began in the summer of 1940, there were already 19 squadrons of modern fighters at the airfields - together with the slightly older Hurricanes of the Islands, 600 aircraft were defending. With the expansion of hostilities, the Spitfire served wherever the RAF operated in the Far East, North Africa and Italy, during the Normandy landings and fighting in France, and finally during the operation in Germany in 1945. For many Britons, he became a symbol of victory in World War II. This wonderful machine has at least a dozen production versions. The most important of them are, among others the first mass-produced Spitfire Mk.I powered by a 1030hp Rolls-Royce Merlin II engine. It was above all this machine that made such an excellent contribution to the Battle of Britain. Many versions of this model have been developed, including PR Mk IA (reconnaissance version) or PR.IG (armed reconnaissance version). Another interesting version was the Spitfire Mk.V with a Rolls-Royce Merlin 45 engine with 1440HP. Later, Merlin 50 engines were also assembled. Serial production of this version started in 1941 and was the RAF's response to the appearance of the Messerschmitt Bf-109F. Another very successful version is the Spitfire Mk.IX, powered by a Merlin 61 engine with a 4-blade propeller. It was created as an opponent to the Focke-Wulf Fw-190 and was put into production at the end of 1941. This version was modified many times and, for example, in 1944 it got a new gyro sight, an enlarged rudder or a different wing system. Another major version is the Spitfire Mk.XIV with a Rolls-Royce Griffon 61 engine and a five-bladed propeller. Serial production started in October 1943. One of the last series produced was the Mk.21 version. This version had a Griffon 61 engine, a strongly reinforced structure and sheathing, the wings were extended, increasing their flying surface. Mass production started in March 1945. Technical data (Mk.XIV version): length: 9.14m, wingspan: 11.23m, height: 3.05m, maximum speed: 717km / h, rate of climb: 18.5m / s, practical ceiling: 13,200m, range maximum: 1815 km, armament: fixed - 4 7.7mm machine guns and 2 20mm Hispano Mk II cannons, suspended - up to 225 kg of bombs.