Основни информации
Код на продукта | vlm72013 |
Тегло | 0.24 kg |
Ean: | 8594054290132 |
Мащаб | 1:72 |
Добавен в каталога: | 19.3.2008 |
Тагове | Walrus |
Производител | Valom Václav Lomitzki - VALOM Zle¹ická 1808/10 148 00 Praha 4 Чешката република |
Отговорен субект | Václav Lomitzki - VALOM Zle¹ická 1808/10 148 00 Praha 4 Чешката република |
The Supermarine Walrus is a British biplane amphibious flying boat with a metal or mixed structure from the World War II period. The flight of the prototype took place in 1933, and in the years 1936-1944 about 740 machines of this type were built. The propulsion was provided by the Bristol Pegasus VI engine with a power of 680HP moving the push propeller, located under the upper lobe. Supermarine Walrus was adapted to launch from ships using special catapults. These biplanes were equipped with an ASV radar and were used for maritime reconnaissance, search and rescue missions and ZOP activities. Between 1936 and 1944. approx. 740 machines of this type were built. Technical data: length: 10.2 m, wingspan: 14 m, height: 4.6 m, maximum speed: 215 km / h, rate of climb: 5.3 m / s, practical ceiling: 5600 m, maximum range: 965 km, armament: permanent- Two 7.7mm Vickers machine guns, suspended, up to 220 kg of bombs.
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Основни информации
Продуцент | Valom Václav Lomitzki - VALOM Zle¹ická 1808/10 148 00 Praha 4 Чешката република |
Отговорен субект | Václav Lomitzki - VALOM Zle¹ická 1808/10 148 00 Praha 4 Чешката република |
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